Town of Evans NY Online Database FalconTown of Evans NYEvans Taxes Shrugged
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Displaying 81 - 100 of 1105
Date Resolution Number Description Long Description Supervisor Hosler Voted Councilman1 Schraft Voted Councilman2 George Voted Councilman3 Macko Voted Councilman4 Reitz Voted
1/8/2020 82 Authorization to Attend NYS Planning Federation Conference Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 105 U & S Services For HVAC Software Maintenance Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
1/8/2020 84 Recind Resolutions 2019 #486 and 2019 #489 Hosler Aye Schraft Nay George Aye
1/8/2020 85 NYS Association of Towns Delagate & Alternative Designation Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
1/8/2020 86 Town of Brant Dispatching Contract for 2020-2022 Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
1/8/2020 87 Authorize Assessor to Attend NYS Assessor Association Executive Board Sessions Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
1/8/2020 88 Memorialize Real Property Tax Law Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
1/8/2020 89 Approve Town Licenses Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
1/8/2020 90 Audit of Bills Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
1/8/2020 91 Adjournment Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 94 Approve Minutes Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 95 Town Clerk`s Report Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 96 Sturgeon Point Marina Fees Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/12/2020 118 Authorize to Attend Conference Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 98 Recind Resolution 2019-176 Hosler Aye Schraft Nay George Aye
2/12/2020 120 Audit of Bills Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 101 Confidential Appointment Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 102 Grant Application For Live Scan Equipment Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 103 Advertise for Bids For Sturgeon Point Concession Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
2/5/2020 106 Suspend Rules of Order Hosler Aye Schraft Aye George Aye
Global summary - 1,105 records total