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Displaying 1 - 20 of 53
Date Posted Category Description Link Picture
10/23/2024 Video The Town of Evans Ethics Committee is asking the former supervisor to pay back $23,054.79 after they say she used her position to “secure a financial benefit to herself.” [ Click Here! ]
Mary Hosler
12/26/2023 FOIL How to File a Freedom of Information Law Request and Avoid Process Pitfalls [ Click Here! ]
How To
10/12/2023 Town of Evans 2024 Tenative Budget [ Click Here! ]
10/10/2023 Water Town of Elma: On October 5th, the Elma Town Board discussed water rates. While the water department lost $166,000, eliminating the 8 - 10% discount will put the town back in the black with the water rate still at $28.33 per quarter. The Town of Evans does More ... [ Click Here! ]
Other Towns
5/29/2022 Laws Nearly all of a municipal board's work is performed in meetings or hearings that are open to the
public. Such meetings are subject to several state and local procedural requirements, as well as
the political climate of the locality. Taken together, these More ...
[ Click Here! ]
Open Meetings Law
2/8/2020 Waterfront The City of Buffalo prepared a Draft Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) in accordance with the New York State Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act, and in partnership with the New York State Department of State. T More ... [ Click Here! ]
2/8/2020 Waterfront City of Lackawanna Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) (Adopted June 1989)was developed by the City of Lackawanna with assistance from the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning, and was originally adopted in 1989. The plan is funded More ... [ Click Here! ]
2/8/2020 Waterfront The Town of Hamburg Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is a locally prepared comprehensive land and water use plan for the Town's natural, public, and developed waterfront resources along Lake Erie and the Eighteen Mile Creek. [ Click Here! ]
2/8/2020 Waterfront The Town of Evans Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is a locally prepared comprehensive land and water use plan for the Town's natural, public, and developed waterfront resources along the Lake Erie, Eighteen-Mile and Big Sister creeks. [ Click Here! ]
2/4/2020 Action Group Buffalo Niagara Coalition for Open Government [ Click Here! ]
Open Government
7/15/2017 New York State Property Owner Assessment Resources
Taxation and Finance
6/5/2014 Erie County The Office was created to ensure that Erie County's citizens with disabilities would have a direct voice in County government; to make available to such citizens an advocate who could work within the county structure to develop and enhance services; and to More ...
Office For The Disabled
5/16/2014 New York State Waterfront zoning maximizes the public’s access to, and enjoyment of, the city’s waterfront resources while enabling appropriate redevelopment along the shoreline.

New York City adopted special zoning regulations affecting waterfront development in 1993 More ...
3/7/2013 Federal National Wetlands Inventory
3/7/2013 Federal My Waters Mapper
2/10/2013 Erie County Erie County New York Web Site Home Page [ Click Here! ]
Home Page
2/10/2013 New York State As part of an ongoing effort to make government more transparent, accessible and accountable to New York, State Comptroller DiNapoli has created concise, easy-to-read summaries of each audit called Taxpayers' Guides to Audits. You can access the Taxpayers' More ...
4/4/2012 New York State
Taxation and Finance
2/1/2012 Erie County Erie County Clerk's Office Online System
Officials & Departments
2/1/2012 Erie County A native of Western New York and Orchard Park, Legislator John J. Mills graduated from Orchard Park High School and earned a degree in Business Administration from the University at Buffalo. He has spent his adult life in service to the region in general a More ...
Officials & Departments