Town of Evans NY Online Database FalconTown of Evans NYEvans Taxes Shrugged
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Displaying 1 - 20 of 11788
First Name Street Number This Year Land County ORPS
Last Name Street This Year Building Tax Bill
Group SBLNumber This Year Total Full Value
Ross M Jr 6716 $175,000.00 County ORPS
Cellino Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
LakeFront 192.15-1-1.11 $175,000.00 $201,100.00
Ross M Jr 6716 $175,000.00 County ORPS
Cellino Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-1.11 $175,000.00 $201,100.00
Ross M Jr 6716 $175,000.00 County ORPS
Cellino Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-1.11 $175,000.00 $201,100.00
Ross M Jr 6716 $175,000.00 County ORPS
Cellino Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-1.11 $175,000.00 $201,100.00
Conrad S $100,000.00 County ORPS
Mikulec Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-1.3 $100,000.00 $114,900.00
Conrad S $100,000.00 County ORPS
Mikulec Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-1.3 $100,000.00 $114,900.00
Conrad S $100,000.00 County ORPS
Mikulec Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-1.3 $100,000.00 $114,900.00
Conrad S $100,000.00 County ORPS
Mikulec Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-1.3 $100,000.00 $114,900.00
Ann Marie 6662 $216,400.00 County ORPS
Tsakos Lake Shore $38,600.00 Tax Bill
LakeFront 192.15-1-12 $255,000.00 $293,100.00
Ann Marie 6662 $216,400.00 County ORPS
Tsakos Lake Shore $38,600.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-12 $255,000.00 $293,100.00
Ann Marie 6662 $216,400.00 County ORPS
Tsakos Lake Shore $38,600.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-12 $255,000.00 $293,100.00
Ann Marie 6662 $216,400.00 County ORPS
Tsakos Lake Shore $38,600.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-12 $255,000.00 $293,100.00
Fulvio 6664 $98,000.00 County ORPS
Stampone Lake Shore $277,000.00 Tax Bill
LakeFront 192.15-1-13 $375,000.00 $431,000.00
Fulvio 6664 $98,000.00 County ORPS
Stampone Lake Shore $277,000.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-13 $375,000.00 $431,000.00
Fulvio 6664 $98,000.00 County ORPS
Stampone Lake Shore $277,000.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-13 $375,000.00 $431,000.00
Fulvio 6664 $98,000.00 County ORPS
Stampone Lake Shore $277,000.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-13 $375,000.00 $431,000.00
Kurt R. $20,000.00 County ORPS
Friedrich Kurt R Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-14 $20,000.00 $23,000.00
Kurt R. $20,000.00 County ORPS
Friedrich Kurt R Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-14 $20,000.00 $23,000.00
Kurt R. $20,000.00 County ORPS
Friedrich Kurt R Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-14 $20,000.00 $23,000.00
Kurt R. $20,000.00 County ORPS
Friedrich Kurt R Lake Shore $0.00 Tax Bill
192.15-1-14 $20,000.00 $23,000.00